There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository protonvpn-cli: add missing dependency Description: After updating protonvpn-cli (#32299), I started getting `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distro'`. Turns out it's because `protonvpn-cli` uses the new [`distro`]( dependency starting from version 2.2.8 (see ProtonVPN/linux-cli-community@117f5972ab09d44b5df07ffb88b120db9392c515). #### General - [ ] This is a new package and it conforms to the [quality requirements]( #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [x] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [ ] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR