New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: > it doesn't respect any of the global "prefer dark theme" options I throw at it That's probably because you are setting a GTK3 dark theme variant, afaik GTK4 doesn't have the concept of a theme variants, so you need to set a dark theme (and GTK4 settings are separate from GTK3, so GTK3 settings won't work). > doesn't play a lot of streams when using pipewire It seems like we are hitting and > there are random crashes related to libadwaita I also had a few crashes, I have RUST_BACKTRACE=1 set right now, so I will see what's going on. I don't think libadwaita is to blame, maybe the rust bindings? > fonts are wonky Probably something with not having the correct fonts configured for GTK4, my fonts are fine.