New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: > @tornaria Do you also get this same list with sage 9.4, or is your list shorter :) ? > > ``` > configure: notice: the following SPKGs did not find equivalent system packages: > brial cddlib cliquer fplll gfan libbraiding libhomfly lrcalc nauty palp planarity rw suitesparse symmetrica sympow tachyon zn_poly_recommended coxeter3 graphviz igraph libnauty libsemigroups lrslib perl_cpan_polymake_prereq perl_mongodb > ``` - fpll: I have a working template that I'll PR soon. - graphviz: you have to install `graphviz` (not `graphviz-devel`) - perl_cpan_polymake_prereq: need to install perl-XML-Writer, perl-XML-LibXML, perl-XML-LibXSLT, perl-File-Slurp, perl-JSON, perl-SVG (the last one is missing, I have a working template). Are you able to compile sage on x86_64-musl ? I tried a few days ago and I the compilation stopped with an error in `pyzmq`.