New comment by Eloitor on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks I try to use the debugger in VSCode... In arch it works well with the default python debugger. It uses the command ``` /usr/bin/env /bin/python /home/eloi/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2021.9.1191016588/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/launcher 37247 -- "" ``` So I tried adding debugpy to sage venv using ``` sage -sh pip install debugpy ``` But I don't know how to continue I guess I should replace `/usr/bin/env` with `/path/to/sage-9.4/build/bin/sage-venv` and `/bin/python` with `path/to/sage-9.4/sage -python`. But I'm not very experienced with python environments nor debugging with VSCode...