New comment by kotajacob on void-packages repository Comment: I've had issues in the past with very old versions of minecraft not working properly on newer java versions. In this case you're probably just missing graphics drivers like @Hnaguski said, but you can try launching the 1.8.9 instance with an older jdk. Here's a screenshot of [my beta 1.7.3 instance configured to use openjdk-8]( You need to install the `openjdk-8` package for that to work. Ultimately it's looking like the MultiMC package might need to be removed anyway. The [upstream license doesn't permit using the logo or name]( in packages such as ours 🙃. So the only way MultiMC can continue to be packaged is if we forked and renamed it. It's a mess, for now you're best off downloading a [procompiled binary it from their website](, installing `qt5-svg`, and downloading the latest java manually like @Hnaguski suggested (or waiting on our package to be updated). Normally you'd want to extract the MultiMC tar somewhere like `~/.local/opt/` and then link the executable to your local bin with `ln -s ~/.local/opt/MultiMC/MultiMC ~/.local/bin/MultiMC`. You could also create a `multimc.desktop` file in `~/.local/share/applications/` with the following if you want it to show up in most desktop environment launchers: ```desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1 Type=Application Name=minecraft GenericName=Minecraft Comment=Game Exec=/home//.local/opt/MultiMC/MultiMC Actions= Categories=Game; ```