New comment by ailiop-git on void-packages repository Comment: > If we didn't care about testing and some level of QA with updates, we could replace most of your contributions with a cronjob. There's a reason we don't do that. That's great, but you fail to explain how the checkboxes assist with "testing and some level of QA", or how this adds any confidence on top of travis. This is a very poor signal that bears no significance, and quite honestly it seems like a pointless exercise that is being imposed on contributors. > If you don't "have the bandwidth" to address test failures or pay attention to PRs after you dump them in the queue, why are you contributing at all? Because the majority of packages contributed aren't failing, and updates are needed. I'm using those packages and I like contributing so that other users can also receive updates in a timely fashion. I do not submit everything I update (e.g. i've been running on glibc-2.33 since March, but I'm aware of the complications and did not push it upstream). In the end there are updates that would actually benefit from being done (or at least staged) through a crontab. For example #33102 is urgently needed by users due to multiple apache httpd CVEs. Similarly to other packages, unless I contribute, the package may not be updated for months (apparently their maintainers do not care to check the boxes either). Still you seem to be more preoccupied and worried about checkboxes rather than how this actually affects users.