New comment by TeddyDD on void-packages repository Comment: I have personal cfdg package. I suck at C/CPP, so I don't feel like maintain it officially. ```sh # Template file for 'cfdg' pkgname=cfdg version=3.3 revision=1 wrksrc=context-free-Version${version} build_style=gnu-makefile make_install_args="PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${DESTDIR}" hostmakedepends="flex bison" makedepends="icu-devel libpng-devel libatomic-devel" short_desc="Context Free is a program that generates images from grammar" maintainer="Daniel Lewan " license="GPL-2.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=@d5c756fd46db78aca944e40825f4f1cb01410cd6168c7bfb4108e920c16a3bb9 do_build() { make -j $(nproc) } post_install() { rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/local vbin ${wrksrc}/cfdg vman ${wrksrc}/cfdg.1 } ```