New comment by dmarto on void-packages repository Comment: I don't know the status of the issue (as it is a bit old), I am just passing to report 2 such packages #### `pango-devel-32bit` ``` makedepends="fribidi-devel harfbuzz-devel libXft-devel libthai-devel" depends="${makedepends} pango-xft>=${version}_${revision} pango>=${version}_${revision}" ``` All, but `pango` itself, are not rewritten to the 32bit versions. #### `eudev-libudev-devel-32bit` `eudev-libudev-devel-32bit` is depending on `eudev-libudev` and `eudev-libudev-devel` I find the latter dependency extra strange, and that threw me in a circle that led to the edits of my comment. -- As usual, I am happy to help in any way, if I get a pointer or two (pun slightly intended) I am willing to go dig inside xbps to try and fix that.