There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository Add rockpro64 packages Description: #### General - [X] This is a new package and it conforms to the [quality requirements]( #### Have the results of the proposed changes been tested? - [X] I use the packages affected by the proposed changes on a regular basis and confirm this PR works for me - [ ] I generally don't use the affected packages but briefly tested this PR #### Does it build and run successfully? (Please choose at least one native build and, if supported, at least one cross build. More are better.) - [ ] I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (ARCH-LIBC) - [X] I built this PR locally for these architectures (if supported. mark crossbuilds): crossbuilds on amd64 - [ ] aarch64-musl - [ ] armv7l - [ ] armv6l-musl This is my first pull request so I imagine there are probably a few things off with it. I only started using git this week, I'm learning as I go. I started putting these two packages together two weeks ago, I've tested mostly with emmc and sd cards and some usb thumb drives. I don't yet have pcie sata or nvme card to test. I've also tested the usb-keyboard and HDMI output, the keyboard is fine and the HDMI output is mostly fine. HDMI immediately comes up but does not return by itself when loading the kernel (any version). It returns though when either the cable is reseated or the monitor is turned off and on again. The nic works fine and so do the usb ports. I opted not to create a kernel specific package as I think this makes it easier to update to newer versions, moreover it does not seem to be necessary. The only thing I ran into is that on versions 5.13 and 5.14 I am unable to build the zfs dkms module (no, I did not forget the headers). Any feedback from testers would be welcome!