New comment by VoidPorts on void-packages repository Comment: 1. useless - because they aint a dependency of SDl2-devel. You do not need them to compile against SDL2 interface, nor link agaist its lib. They aint real dependencies. 2. not good because having such a massive chain of headers and libs pulled by a package will inevitably lead to sloppy written packages sooner or later, which might underspecify their dependencies. 3. I dont know the structure of void builder chroot well yet, but this also may increase build time by a significant factor, if this thing is repeated all over the ports tree, and repeated add / removes happen all the time. this might not be true for a lot of packages, I dont know yet, no time to look in detail at how it works. 4. if a package like SDK gets fixed to list correct dependencies in future, this will prolly cause issue for a lot of packages using it in tree, if underspecified.