New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: > install noise-repellent do `xlocate noise-repellent` see if output returns nothing `xlocate` searches in the list of all files in default repositories, you probably wanted to use `xbps-query -f ` which shows files installed by a package. This package is not supposed to install a binary, it's just an lv2 plugin: void: ``` %: xbps-query -Rf noise-repellent /usr/nrepel.lv2/manifest.ttl /usr/nrepel.lv2/ /usr/nrepel.lv2/nrepel.ttl ``` arch: ``` /usr/lib/lv2/nrepel.lv2/manifest.ttl /usr/lib/lv2/nrepel.lv2/ /usr/lib/lv2/nrepel.lv2/nrepel.ttl /usr/share/doc/noise-repellent/ ``` Is it possible to move /usr/nrepel.lv2 to /usr/lib/lv2 like it's done in Arch? @Breavyn