New comment by Thomashighbaugh on void-packages repository Comment: I get the controversy potential because systemd is even something the original package used to achieve its functionality and because different people will approach cmake and ninja with different opinions, solutions and want their platform to discuss why they do as they do whenever possible as is the nature of the solitary work it is to embark on the Linux journey at all (and that hardheadedness is a thing with Linux factionalism where controversy ensues where its not necessary, helpful or even about anything but an excuse for people to enumerate their feelings on a subject that in their personal life they probably know few people that would ever care to hear them discuss these things for its an unusual itch that this sort of thing is even scratching most have no notion of) but can't actually see why this would be something to incite a conflagration considering the patches here are reasonable approaches to overcoming the systemd dependency that so many others do and changes to the build process that to me, at least, are reasonable and instructive even. But its Linux and passions combine with absurd egoism in patterns the envy of the greatest dramas put to stage. Even if its not added to `void-packages` @m4rcu5 please consider making a repo to make this something other's could easily add into their own void-packages repos locally as ibhagwan did with his fork of picom [which you can see here]( as I think this would be appreciated by many and be helpful while providing everyone a workable solution no one needs to cry foul about. Awesome work, thanks a lot and keep up the `good stuff` and sorry to probe this comment train rather late, I just happened to be looking for this exact solution and am grateful these are not patches falling on me to do, thought I might chime in a bit while poking at a community tendency in my ruminative way.