New review comment by newbluemoon on void-packages repository Comment: You shouldn’t have to add `perl-Test-Simple` because it’s provided by perl itself: ``` $ corelist Test::Simple Data for 2021-05-20 Test::Simple was first released with perl v5.6.2 ``` The above error is because `perl` provides `perl-Test-Simple` (see the perl template) and installing `perl-Test-Simple` tries to replace the `perl` package with it, but the packages listed above depend on `` which would then be missing and therefore `xbps-install` aborts. The stand-alone `perl-Test-Simple` package has been removed in but was later re-added in; don’t know why, maybe to have an up-to-date version for some reasons; perhaps @zdykstra can shed some light on this. ;) As for `perl -MTest::More::UTF8`: you probably have it installed somewhere on your system, but there is no Void package. So if you want to use it here, you have to package it too, and add it to this PR as a separate commit.