New comment by dkwo on void-packages repository Comment: They are on glibc. Does `sage-9.5.beta7_1 -t --warn-long 35.7 --random-seed=327098103431076596046796804314805549386 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/src/sage/rings/tate_algebra_ideal.pyx` pass for you (outside of chroot, just in the terminal)? Same for `sage-9.5.beta7_1 -t --random-seed=2922128458579573960176688891507420022 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/src/sage_setup/` ? Btw, I now have ``` $ ls /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta sage-9.5.beta5/ sage-9.5.beta6/ sage-9.5.beta7/ ``` even after removing `sagemath` via xbps-remove. Should I remove those by hand? I thought we added `pytest` to have more tests..