New comment by dkwo on void-packages repository Comment: This looks good. Now on x86_64 (both glibc and musl) only `sage -t --random-seed=239417738005644781849247931063272806042 src/sage/functions/ # 2 doctests failed` fails, as you pointed out, while on i686 there are also ``` sage -t --random-seed=313681864676731812413561326645236136667 src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/ # Killed due to abort sage -t --random-seed=313681864676731812413561326645236136667 src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/combinatorial_polyhedron/list_of_faces.pyx # Killed due to abort sage -t --random-seed=313681864676731812413561326645236136667 src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/combinatorial_polyhedron/face_iterator.pyx # Timed out sage -t --random-seed=313681864676731812413561326645236136667 src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ # 2 doctests failed ``` of which only the last one seems a real failure. Btw, do we need `linbox` in makedepends at the moment? see `linbox-1.6.3.p1: standard, will be installed as an SPKG`