New comment by dkwo on void-packages repository Comment: With regard to removing: ``` [nicolo@mabragor void-packages]$ du /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7 du: cannot access '/usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7': No such file or directory nicolo@mabragor void-packages]$ xi sagemath Size required on disk: 3846MB doas xbps-remove -R sagemath [nicolo@mabragor void-packages]$ du /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/ 4 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local/share/gap/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-default64-kv7 8 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local/share/gap/bin 12 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local/share/gap 16 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local/share 20 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local 24 /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/ ``` With regard to `depends`: I'm not an expert, but I thought we should not need `-devel` packages to run it. Are tests supposed to pass even for the user or just in the build process? As for the failures, you may be right.