New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: New version (157bad91): - don't rewrite python shebangs, as commented above - add some depends (linbox, maxima, and others that I think were missing before) @dkwo: can you try this version? Also: should I add something to `do_install()` so you don't need to `ln -s /usr/lib/sage-9.5.beta7/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.9.7/share/jupyter /usr/local/share/`? Please let me know and I'll add it (preferrably not in `/usr/local`?). There's a bunch of tickets with positive_review that I'd like to include, but I'm hoping there will be a new beta soon which includes them so I'll just wait and see (I'm already including 6-7 patches with positive_review, they should go away with next beta). After that I might give a new try to the python 3.10 patches.