New comment by dotnetfox on void-packages repository Comment: No luck, it forked from the running process. I can certainly state that `/usr/bin/usbmuxd --user usbmux --udev` has no relation to runit at all. As you can observe, all processes running under `runsvdir` are supervised under `runsv` and do not fork to the background. I do not know what is running on your machine, but now you have to find what is running it. For now try to kill it using `sudo kill -9 778`; if the process reappears, there is a chance that our "virtue" may be lurking in the processes list, so finding it may be worth. If you are uncertain or could not find the cause, try the empiric method: boot your system without running Xorg (with display manager if you have it) as example. At last, you can send your list of processes here (`ps -aef --forest`). If you have something sensitive running, you can email its output to me (email address can be found in my profile).