New comment by dotnetfox on void-packages repository Comment: > I booted in recovery mode and there too I got this: Good way to diagnose, you have my praise (really). I cannot reproduce this issue, so this is a blind spot here for me. Looking back at those PIDs, udevd runs first, usbmuxd is the second one and runsvdir is the last. I suspect that those processes are run before all services are started (before stage 2 of runit or at its beginning), so dbus, elogind and other bloatware are crossed out. I would suggest to skim through /etc to find whether there are scripts which execute it. Given that most files there might be protected from reading, try to run `grep -r -i "usbmux" /etc` with root privileges (i.e. sudo). You may as well try to grep /var, /usr/share if you are out of luck. I believe that somewhere in /etc or somewhere else is a script that runs your daemon, overriding runsvdir.