New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: ```sh # Template file for 'python3-debugpy' pkgname=python3-debugpy version=1.5.1 revision=1 wrksrc="debugpy-$version" build_style=python3-module hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools" makedepends="python3-devel" depends="python3" checkdepends="python3-pytest python3-pytest-timeout python3-psutil python3-requests gdb" short_desc="Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python" maintainer="" license="MIT" homepage="" distfiles="$version.tar.gz" checksum=86c8a957269a49fe5955f47233609b896ac48033e4f5e94c5b5a908f7230cf19 make_check=no # ptrace: Operation not permitted pre_check() { vsed -e '/addopts/d' -i pytest.ini } post_install() { vlicense LICENSE } ``` * remove parts for check, because we are skipping it anyway * assign yourself as the maintainer * test this