New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: All of these options looks have serious drawbacks. Using native, precompiled binaries to bootstrap another arch is bad because it forces us to cross compile those archs. In Void, cross compilation is an incidental implementation detail of architectures for which we can't afford or don't want to maintain build infrastructure. It should always be possible to natively build any of our archs if one is so inclined, but the precompiled pypy bootstrap breaks this. Relying on dead cpython is also lousy. We want to get rid of the package, not force it closer to the root of the dependency tree. If we are going to overlook this catch-22, I would prefer to avoid another cpython2 dependency. I would also like to avoid creating some new package that only exists to build pypy. The best way out, if possible, would be to fetch the prebuilt distribution for native builds as another distfile. Use the locally extracted copy to build the packaged version. For cross builds, this can go away and we just pull the native pypy into hostmakedepends.