New comment by dotnetfox on void-packages repository Comment: ## check-list of packages depending on python3-click - [ ] platformio-5.1.1 Requires: `"click>=5,<8%s" % (",!=7.1,!=7.1.1" if WINDOWS else "")` Notes: incompatible with python3-click-8.0.3. The last release of this package (5.2.3) has this requirement: `"click>=7.1.2,<9,!=8.0.2"`. Maybe this will do. - [x] magic-wormhole-0.12.0 Requires: version not specified. do_check: fail ( Notes: built without -Q. Works as intended. - [x] pgcli-3.0.0 Requires: `"click >= 4.1"` do_check: skip (disabled in the template). Notes: works as intended. - [x] termdown-1.17.0 Requires: `"click >= 2.0"` do_check: fail. Notes: built without -Q. Works as intended. ``` => termdown-1.17.0_3: running do_check ... running test WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox. WARNING: The wheel package is not available. /usr/bin/python3: No module named pip error: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/tmp/tmp9pdr48ii', '--quiet', 'python-dateutil']' returned non-zero exit status 1. ``` - [x] black-21.9b0 Requires: `"click>=7.1.2"` do_check: fail (either on 7.1.2 and 8.0.3). Notes: built it without -Q. Tried throwing poorly formatted python code at black, seems to format it fine. ``` =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/ - Asserti... FAILED tests/ - AssertionErr... FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - Assert... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Ass... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError:... FAILED tests/ - Asserti... FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - Asse... FAILED tests/ - AssertionE... FAILED tests/ - AssertionE... FAILED tests/ - AssertionE... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - ... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - As... FAILED tests/ - Asser... FAILED tests/ - Assert... FAILED tests/ - Asserti... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: 1 ... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Attrib... FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - AssertionErr... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: 1 != 0 FAILED tests/ - AssertionError:... FAILED tests/ - Asse... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: 1 ... FAILED tests/ - Attribu... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Asse... FAILED tests/ - Asser... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - assert '@@ -1,3 +1,... FAILED tests/ - assert '1 file w... FAILED tests/ - assert False = 47 failed, 216 passed, 3 skipped, 3 deselected, 3 xfailed, 14 warnings in 37.01s = ``` - [x] python3-Flask-2.0.2 Requires: `"click >= 7.1.2"` do_check: pass. Notes: "tested" it briefly by running something simple. Works as intended. - [x] python3-httpx-0.21.1 Requires: `"click==8.*"` do_check: skip (disabled in the template). Notes: works as intended. - [ ] pantalaimon-0.8.0 Requires: `"click >= 7.1.2"` do_check: skip. Notes: skipped. I do not have the courage to test it, as it requires dbus. - [x] khal-0.10.4 Requires: `"click>=3.2"` do_check: fail. Notes: no commentaries. Built without -Q. Works as intended. ``` =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/ - AssertionErro... FAILED tests/ - Ass... FAILED tests/ - ... FAILED tests/ - AssertionErro... ================== 4 failed, 297 passed, 2 xpassed in 41.52s =================== ``` - [x] papis-0.11.1 Requires: `"click>=7.0.0"` do_check: fail. Notes: built without -Q. Works as intended. ``` => papis-0.11.1_2: running do_check ... running test WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox. WARNING: The wheel package is not available. /usr/bin/python3: No module named pip error: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/tmp/tmp9ey95unf', '--quiet', 'typing-extensions>=3.7']' returned non-zero exit status 1. ``` - [x] python3-pgspecial-1.11.9 Requires: `'click >= 4.1'` do_check: skip (disabled in the template). Notes: I could not find its application besides using it with pgcli. Found nothing out of ordinary. - [x] python3-proselint-0.12.0 Requires: `'click>=8.0.0,<9.0.0'` do_check: pass. Notes: fed it with from the upstream. Seems to work. - [x] python-pyinfra-1.5 Requires: `'click>2'` do_check: pass. Notes: I did consult with the maintainer of this package and checked the source code. Using `pyinfra --help` is enough to test. python3-pyinfra itself uses basic functionality of python3-click which does not tend to change drastically, so I could not find any defects. - [x] python3-tmuxp-1.9.3 Requires: `click>=7,<8.1` do_check: pass. Notes: the package template itself also removes restrictions related to versions of the dependencies. I could build it with -Q. Works as intended. - [ ] yubikey-manager-4.0.3 Requires: `'click>=6.0,<9.0'` do_check: skip. Notes: I have to skip this package as I do not use their hardware (nor I have one of those). - [ ] fava Requires: version not specified. do_check: skip. Notes: too much hassle to set it up. - [x] python3-dotenv-0.19.0 Requires: `'click>=5.0'`. do_check: pass. Notes: used it in combination with python3-Flask. No complaints from me. - [ ] python3-shodan-1.25.0 Requires: version not specified. do_check: skip (disabled in the template). Notes: unable to test it properly: requires api key. To obtain it, registration is needed. - [ ] subliminal-2.1.0 Requires: `'click>=4.0'` do_check: skip (disabled in the template). Notes: unable to test it properly. I believe these tracebacks do not have relation to python3-click. I used this software on "Black Lagoon" as example. - [ ] vdirsyncer-0.18.0 Requires: "click>=5.0,<9.0" do_check: pass. Notes: If anyone is willing to test this, be my guest.