New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: budgie-desktop is currently broken with mutter 41, so as we discussed on IRC with @Gottox, we either need to update to a snapshot or create a versioned mutter40 package. ``` budgie-desktop-10.5.3_1: broken, unresolvable shlib `' budgie-desktop-10.5.3_1: broken, unresolvable shlib `' budgie-desktop-10.5.3_1: broken, unresolvable shlib `' Transaction aborted due to unresolved shlibs. Failed to install 'gdk-pixbuf' and 'budgie-desktop-10.5.3_1' ``` folks 0.14 is broken with vala 0.54, so we should probably update to 0.15. It's a development release, but fixes our problem and many distributions go with the same approach.