New comment by Aloz1 on void-packages repository Comment: > The upstream build still puts it inside `.libs`, this doesn't change that. A 1k GCC patch is not the solution here, please revert to the version with the manual install commands. You're not wrong, but that's fundamentally how building with autotools/libtools works. Libraries that are built with libtool are always placed in a '.libs/' directory. The changes in the patch (8 lines of which are actual changes, the rest being autogenn'ed using autoreconf) simply defer installation back to autotools, which is consistent with other public-ally exposed libtools libraries in the gcc source distribution. I'm also not happy with the 1k patch, but I'd done it that way because calling autoreconf within do_preconfigure() would require adding a new hostmakedepends dependency for automake. Having said that, if you're more happy with the manual vinstall from .libs (as was done previously), I'm happy to revert it back to that.