Closed issue by RhymeJob on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: * Void 5.15.11_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD uptodate rrrrmmnFFFFF * package: * dolphin-emu-5.0.15445_1 ### Expected behavior The emulator expects matching version numbers for netplay to work, so if one person is on version 5.0-15445 and another is on 5.0-15260 they can't connect via built in network features. This all requires that the emulator recognizes it's own version. ### Actual behavior The emulator does not recognize it's own version. The void template seems to have the right PR for the version it says it is, but the program itself fails to recognize that versioning - making netplay impossible. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior Simply installing from either the repos or xbps-src produces this problem, it can be checked either through the command 'dolphin-emu-nogui --version' or through the gui in the "help -> about" menu options. If there's anything else I need to put here: let me know.