New comment by balejk on void-packages repository Comment: I believe specifying `cmake` as `hostmakedepends` is unnecessary with the selected build style. I also think that it should suffice to use the `gnuinstall` option, installation and mandir prefixes should be set accordingly automatically. Making using `ninja` worked fine for me, so I see no reason to override it to use `make` - do you have one? Have you tried cross-building for any other architecture? These two might be the only officially supported ones, but that does not necessarily mean that it won't work on any other. And have you disabled the `xrootd` option globally on purpose or did you mean to do it just for musl where it won't build? Also, I see that you have set TBB as a dependency - with that, it might be possible to make `imt` available for musl as well, as the compilation is failing there because of the builtin TBB. I believe `cmake` should detect system TBB automatically if you remove `imt=OFF`. Will you be able to try it? Last thing that comes to mind is that it might be nice to add a `build_option` for the R bindings (preferably disabled by default though).