New comment by freshprince on void-packages repository Comment: > Being able to see those configuration problems raised in syslog makes debugging easier. Syslog is not installed by default on void so you won't see the problems raised anywhere. If you think that installing socklog-void and knowing where vlogger logs to by default is easier than using `ps` and `pgrep runsvdir | xargs -I{} cat /proc/{}/cmdline` you should consider reading up on [runit]( Which is the init system that void is using. > The Debian package maintained by the authors does the same thing That's a nice form of cargo-cult that begs for the statement that if you like how it's done in distribution X maybe you should switch to distribution X. If I remember correctly void is trying to provide packages as 'vanilla' as possible. If one seriously wants to set up a synapse homeserver, they have to install synapse, get valid ssl certificates, set up a reverse proxy, install postgresql and set it up, add well-known files for clients and federation, have a working e-mail setup, set up a TURN server and start running different worker processes to do load balancing. I don't think that copying sample config files so that the service starts without failing after a fresh install helps a beginner doing any of that. But it might have wrong defaults like the name of the homeserver (which makes the generated sqlite-db unusable if you want to switch the name later) and missing randomly generated secrets as already mentioned. It also introduced problems for people that were already having a working setup.