New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: Indeed: ``` $ rmaxima Maxima 5.45.1 using Lisp SBCL 2.2.0 Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING. Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter. The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information. (%i1) :lisp (require :sb-gmp "/usr/lib/sbcl/contrib/sb-gmp.fasl") (SB-GMP) (%i1) :lisp (sb-gmp:install-gmp-funs) (%i1) showtime : true $ Evaluation took 0.0001 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 0 bytes. (%i2) a : 10^(10^5) $ Evaluation took 0.0015 seconds (0.0010 elapsed) using 3.578 KB. (%i3) b : a^1280 $ Evaluation took 1.5059 seconds (1.5080 elapsed) using 50.689 MB. (%i4) ``` Caveats: - this only works if `sbcl` is installed (for the file "/usr/lib/sbcl/contrib/sb-gmp.fasl") - moreover the version of sbcl used to compile maxima has to match the version of sbcl used to compile `sb-gmp.fasl` (rn maxima was compiled with 2.1.11 but sbcl is at 2.2.0) - the "require" statement needs the full path to `sb-gmp.fasl` (not a real problem)