New comment by bbonev on void-packages repository Comment: > They had the issue and solved it: [Tomas-M/iotop#21]( > > Apparently `iotop` needs `kernel.task_delayacct` to be enabled, however since kernel 5.15 it seems to be disabled The above link points to the C rewrite of `iotop` (packaged as `iotop-c` in many Linux distributions but not in Void Linux) while the python one is located at; the OP obviously talks about the python version of `iotop`. The fix mentioned above is for the C version where the user can toggle the `task_delayacct` sysctl with a shortcut. The python version only gives a warning in case the sysctl is off and SWAPIN/IO do not work (the fix is not in a released version yet, one option is to package the HEAD of the python iotop's repo). Hope I could reduce the confusion...