There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository wxWidgets: correct patch Description: Tweak the wxWidgets patches so that they apply cleanly to Unclear why it's needed, perhaps patch(1) has now less tolerance for whitespace mixups. Without these changes, the patches report fuzz and failure for patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 15279 with fuzz 2 (offset 21 lines). patching file Hunk #1 FAILED at 16177. Hunk #2 succeeded at 16187 (offset 34 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 16204 (offset 34 lines). 1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file patching file build/bakefiles/wx.bkl patching file src/common/translation.cpp patching file utils/wxrc/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 119 (offset -6 lines). #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (x86_64-glibc)