New comment by balejk on void-packages repository Comment: > Yeah, it puts stuff in the "etc" directory of the install prefix, which is set to "/usr", so that's why it goes to "/usr/etc". Not sure if there is a way to override that in CMAKE? Or just move it manually? You can find the supported CMake variables [here](, I believe you are looking for `CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR`. Based on [this]( (expand `build options for ROOT 6.24`) I would say that there are more components which are downloaded automatically if no system version is found and some of them (such as `davix`) are enabled by default, however if I understand it correctly, git is not used for for example `davix` - this component in particular is fetched by CMake and checked against a checksum, so perhaps that's acceptable? I haven't checked the other components' download method. Have you tried to build this on musl? Does the new version of xrootd build there? If not, you should probably restrict it to non-musl architectures in the template. Also, you probably have a wrong `homepage` set for the `xrootd` package.