New review comment by TinfoilSubmarine on void-packages repository Comment: It might be too complex to add, txredisapi needs a running instance of Redis in order to test. I tried the naive approach: ``` do_check() { redis-server & python3 -m pytest redis-cli flushall } ``` but I'm getting a bunch of errors about type mismatches: ``` self = result = def run(self, result): """ Run the test case, storing the results in C{result}. First runs C{setUp} on self, then runs the test method (defined in the constructor), then runs C{tearDown}. As with the standard library L{unittest.TestCase}, the return value of these methods is disregarded. In particular, returning a L{Deferred} has no special additional consequences. @param result: A L{TestResult} object. """ log.msg("--> %s <--" % ( new_result = itrial.IReporter(result, None) if new_result is None: result = PyUnitResultAdapter(result) else: result = new_result result.startTest(self) if self.getSkip(): # don't run test methods that are marked as .skip > result.addSkip(self, self.getSkip()) E TypeError: Skipped expected string as 'msg' parameter, got 'bool' instead. E Perhaps you meant to use a mark? /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/twisted/trial/ TypeError ```