New comment by LeamHall on void-packages repository Comment: This is an existing node with XFCE as the primary login window manager. Have been running Void on it daily, for some time. This morning's update broke things, last update was a week ago. Oh, here's a funny. I can ctl-alt-f1, run xuname into a file, chmod the file, and then open it with Mousepad. Some applications work, like Mousepad and Firefox. Some don't. Anyway: Void 5.13.19_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rFF The "notuptodate" doesn't inspire confidence, since I just did an update. Here's the working part of the script I use for updates. ### date=`date +%Y%m%d` logfile="/var/tmp/xbps-install_Suvy_${date}.log" vkpurge rm all > $logfile 2>&1 xbps-install -Suvy >> $logfile 2>&1 sleep 10 xbps-remove -O >> $logfile 2>&1 update-ca-certificates >> $logfile 2>&1 updatedb >> $logfile 2>&1 ###