New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: There's a strong smell in the [changelog]( for 3.0.25 and 3.0.26: ``` 3.0.26: 2022-01-27 ------------------ Fixes: - Fixes issue introduced in 3.0.25: Don't handle SIGINT on Windows. 3.0.25: 2022-01-27 ------------------ Fixes: - Use `DummyOutput` when `sys.stdout` is `None` and `DummyInput` when `sys.stdin` is `None`. This fixes an issue when the code runs on windows, using pythonw.exe and still tries to interact with the terminal. - Correctly reset `Application._is_running` flag in case of exceptions in some situations. - Handle SIGINT (when sent from another process) and allow binding it to a key binding. For prompt sessions, the behavior is now identical to pressing control-c. - Increase the event loop `slow_duration_callback` by default to 0.5. This prevents printing warnings if rendering takes too long on slow systems. ```