New comment by ayakael on void-packages repository Comment: The most important one is `testing/dotnet6-build/APKBUILD` as that shows the necessary steps to build with `linux-musl`. All patches include comments on why they are necessary, what errors they fix, etc. For packaging guidelines, I highly recommend following [this page]( Of note, dotnet needs two things to build from scratch: a prebuilt dotnet SDK, and source-built nupkgs which are provided by `Private.SourceBuild.Artifacts.tar.gz` which contains arch-agnostic bits and `linux-x64` bits. As `linux-musl-{x86_64,aarch64,armv7}` is targetted on Alpine, `dotnetx-stage0` goes beyond packaging the SDK and prebuilt artifacts: it also replaces all `linux-x64` nupkgs with `linux-musl-$arch` nupkgs. I highly recommend ya'll open up an issue at `dotnet/installer`. The developpers there have been of great help.