There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository python3-lxml: update to 4.8.0. Description: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** (tested with synapse) Long list of dependent packages for this one: - [x] Komikku - [x] OpenLP (broken with current version 2.4.6_5 in repo due to not supporting Python 3.10, but latest preview version 3.9.4 works fine with it. I'll push the update as soon as it's marked as an actual release) - [x] beancount - [x] castero - [x] cppman - [x] curseradio - [x] gcovr - [x] gnome-builder - [x] greg - [x] gtk-doc - [x] inkscape - [x] lutris - [x] manuskript - [x] nagstamon - [x] papis - [x] piper - [x] python3-MechanicalSoup - [x] python3-changelogs - [x] python3-html5-parser - [x] python3-opcua - [x] python3-pikepdf - [x] python3-pyPEG2 - [x] python3-pycollada - [x] python3-pykeepass - [x] python3-readability-lxml - [x] python3-trimesh - [x] qomui - [x] sigil - [x] streamlink - [x] synapse - [x] termtosvg - [x] urlwatch - [x] variety - [x] wfuzz - [x] wpull - [x] xmldiff - [x] yelp-tools - [x] ytcc - [x] ytmdl