New comment by mobinmob on void-packages repository Comment: > It passed finally, but why didn't it merged yet ? too big ? Thank you for the interest! Tests not passing has probably little to do with the possibility of merging this [WIP] PR :) It essentially adds support for another init system/service manager in the distribution and that is a **big** change. The PR is also the product a totally unofficial effort that goes on for almost two years now and without a promise - or an expectation really - of ever been accepted in the distribution. That is mighty fine for me, as I find the process really rewarding and having enormous fun. If one needs to use the packages, there is a repo (which will move to osdn at some point), the development for the templates and scripts takes place at the [66-voidlinux]( repository at codeberg and the service frontend scripts and documentation are maintained in the [void-66-services]( repository at github.