New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: > > There would be no point in alternatives, if the requirement would be that they are 100% compatible > > That’s fair, but what if we just did away with the symlink to `vim`? Neovim can have the `vi` symlink, and the result would be equal to how `alternatives` is handled in the shells. I already explained in why this is not without a problem. Having vim point to nvim can only happen in specific circumstances: a) you manually modified alternatives b) you installed neovim first `b` can be a bit surprising, but it doesn't matter, people often don't even notice they are using nvim and not vim. > It violates user expectation for `vim`, when typed out on any terminal in any circumstance, to _ever_ result in Neovim being opened, unless the environment is specifically configured for such a thing. And as we already discussed, it doesn't matter to regular users. neovim and vim are basically drop in replacements of each other.