New comment by atweiden on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks for opining, @Vaelatern. I noticed your name is listed as [the maintainer of Neomutt]( According to Neomutt’s homepage: > NeoMutt is a command line mail reader (or MUA). **It’s a fork of Mutt with added features**. This seems quite analagous to the relationship between Neovim and Vim. However, the Neomutt template doesn’t use `alternatives` at all. Why is `mutt` protected from `neomutt` symlinks, while `vim` isn’t protected from `nvim`? Bear in mind I’ve [proposed]( continuing to allow `nvim` to symlink `vi` — so users who don’t care about the gulf between Vim and Neovim can still blindly install one over the other and just type `vi` to maintain the same workflow.