New comment by furryfixer on void-packages repository Comment: Probably not the same as #195 (I may comment there as well). Void's `greetd` installation is slightly broken, in that no default shell is assigned to the `_greeter` user, or `$SHELL="/sbin/nologin"`. Arch at least assigns "/bin/bash" as shell for the greeter user. Greetd references the "$SHELL" variable in `/etc/greetd/config.toml`. Users often replace $SHELL with something else, accidentally eliminating the bug. The easiest solution is to: `sudo chsh -s /bin/bash _greeter` or you may edit `/etc/greetd/config.toml` as root, changing `$SHELL` to `/bin/bash` or whatever you prefer. Alternatively, you may also create a default `SHELL="/bin/bash"` in `/etc/environment`.