New comment by kotoko on void-packages repository Comment: I personally use puppet and wanted to show a workaround if someone else want to use puppet on void (with missing puppet in xbps repository). 1. First install ruby. After installation command `gem` will become available. ``` xbps-install ruby ``` 2a. If you want install puppet system-wide run: ``` gem install puppet ``` And add this to your .bashrc file: ``` GEM_BIN_PATH=`(gem env | grep 'EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY' | sed --quiet "s/.*EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: \(.*\)/\1/p")`"/bin" export PATH="$GEM_BIN_PATH:$PATH" ``` 2b. If you want to install in current user home directory run: ``` gem install --user-install puppet ``` And add this to your .bashrc file: ``` GEM_BIN_PATH=`(gem env | grep 'USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY' | sed --quiet "s/.*USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: \(.*\)/\1/p")`"/bin" export PATH="$GEM_BIN_PATH:$PATH" ``` 3. Restart your shell. Done!