Closed issue by silvernode on void-packages repository Description: # OpenEuphoria [![](]( Here's a pretty obscure programming language that no other distribution has (to my knowledge). It's a pretty old language (1993) that has gained a niche following since it became open source over a decade ago. I tried packaging it a few years back and gave up after a week of trying. I thought it would be neat to have it in the repos and maybe it will get a few users that way. ### Features: * General purpose * Generate C code * Extensive SFML support * Extensive Gtk support * Native IDE * An active friendly community * Easy to learn syntax * Procedural * Performance focused * 4 data types ### Code Example: **_FizzBuzz_** ``` include std/console.e integer a = 3 integer b = 5 integer c = 100 for i = 1 to c do if remainder(i,a * b) = 0 then display("FizzBuzz") elsif remainder(i,a) = 0 then display("Fizz") elsif remainder(i,b) = 0 then display("Buzz") else display(i) end if end for ``` ### Stats: **Current Release Version:** 4.0.5 (2012) **Current Beta Version:** 4.1.0 (available on sourceforge) **Last Github Commit:** Oct 22, 2018 ### Links: [Official Website]( [Wikipedia]( [Github]( [SourceForge (seems deprecated)]( [License]( ### Notes: You may have to build 4.1.0 from sourceforge (or pull from master on github) since 4.0.5 is very old.