New comment by mjyut on void-packages repository Comment: I don't understand why someone said > requests shouldn't be taken via github issues so it's just an idea. Create a new GItHub repository for only package request issues (e.g. `void-linux/void-request`) . Perhaps the only content in that new repository is the ``. Then [transfer]( the existing request issues to the new repository. Pros: * The existing request will be saved as is. * If someone accidentally creates an isuue in the original package repository, it can be easily transferred by the contributors. Below is an example of transferring issu with GitHub CLI. ```sh #!/bin/sh repo_from='void-linux/void-packages' repo_to='void-linux/void-request' limit='10' gh issue list -S 'is:issue is:open label:request sort:created-asc' -L "$limit" -R "$repo_from" \ |cut -f1 \ |xargs -I {} -n 1 gh issue transfer -R "$repo_from" {} "$repo_to" ```