New comment by 0x5c on void-packages repository Comment: > >As it currently stands, there's no check (manual or automatic) in place to ensure requests actually get closed when the package is added. I wouldn't be surprised new package PRs are merged without the author realising there could be a request to close. > > And how does your "solution" address this? > Strongly disagree with this. Having the requests as issues in the same repository is very convenient, and like Duncaen said, you can always use filters. @prez It doesn't address this, but it addresses the resultant problem of purely irrelevant issues piling up in the issues, which can't be filtered. They can't be auto-removed either, since all requests got a total exemption from cleaning. Even bug, which don't tend to magically go away after some time, aren't allowed that exemption. _Requests for others to do work_ are essentially prioritised over actual bugs. There's no vote system either, which would allow gauging interest. On your last point, Github discussion live _inside_ the repository. They are merely a separate tab from the issues tab, and provide features like voting, and migration from issues (along with all the author metadata and such). You can't see the tab here because they have not been enabled on the repository.