New comment by 4ricci on void-packages repository Comment: > Nonetheless, I think a script to watch for broken links cannot hurt in the future. It shouldn't be too hard. Something like this will verify the hashes too (but also download a lot of stuff): ```sh rm -rf hostdir/sources for i in $(find srcpkgs -name template | cut -d / -f 2); do ./xbps-src -I fetch "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$i: broken distfiles" done ``` This one will just check if the the server returns a successfull status code: ```bash source common/environment/setup/ for pkg in $(find srcpkgs -name template | cut -d / -f 2); do unset homepage changelog distfiles source srcpkgs/"$pkg"/template 2>/dev/null for i in $homepage $changelog $distfiles; do if ! curl --silent --location --head --fail -o /dev/null "$i"; then echo "$pkg: url $i is broken" fi done done ```