Closed issue by Leon-Plickat on void-packages repository Description: I tried using a IR receiver connected to the GPIO ports of the Pi, but was unable to get the LIRC driver to work. I followed the steps described on [this website]( Other website describe a similar procedure to get IR via GPIO working, so I believe this is the correct way. As basically all Pi related information on the internet, it assumes one is using Raspbian. However it should still apply to every distribution whichs kernel has the correct driver. I tried both: Doing exactly as described in the article as well as adapting it to void (meaning things like creating `/etc/modules-load.d/lirc.conf` instead of modifying `/etc/modules`). But `/dev/lirc0` never appeared. Appearently, the LIRC driver in the kernel needs to patched in order for it to work with GPIO, [as described on the website of the author of mentioned patch]( Since someone on Reddit (from where I was referred to here) mentioned that they got LIRC to work with an USB IR receiver on the Pi, I believe that the default LIRC drivers are in voids kernel, however as the user space tools of LIRC are not packaged in void aarch64, I am tempted to believe that the patch is also not applied to the driver. Is my assumption, that the version of LIRC patched to work with the GPIO ports of the Pi is not included in voids aarch64 kernel, correct? Or am I missing something? And if this is the case, is there any way of getting LIRC to work with a IR receiver connected via GPIO?