New comment by ifreund on void-packages repository Comment: > Because it's been blocking the update #36229 #34800 for 4 months and is arguably not very useful (2 packages). zig isn't blocking llvm 13, I sent patches for the zig related things many months ago. The only thing blocking llvm 13 as far as I'm aware is someone with void-packages commit access to find time to review and merge the PR. I did comment in one of those threads that zig is not compatible with llvm 14 yet and won't be for the next month or so at least. That does not block llvm 13 being merged though. Zig does not require any patches to llvm or otherwise make it difficult to use a system llvm installation of the proper version. If we need llvm 14 before zig 0.10.0 is released then I recommend doing as duncaen says and keeping a llvm13 package around until zig 0.10.0 is released. The root cause of this problem is that each llvm release is incompatible with the last and that llvm is a very large and expensive dependency to build from source.