There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository New packages: phoc-0.4.2 calls-0.1.7 purism-chatty-0.1.15 Description: Status of `phosh` on the PinePhone 1.2a - [x] Shell - `phosh` `squeekboard` `phoc` `feedbackd` packaged - `phosh-desktop` (Should I rename it?, Does it need any additional dependencies?) - [x] Calls (sound is bad) - `calls` `pinephone-wys` packaged - [x] SMS (works) - `purism-chatty` `purple-mm-sms` packaged - [x] Data (works) - [ ] Camera (working on it) - `megapixels` packaged The modem needs to be manually enabled every single time with `echo 1 > /sys/class/modem-power/modem-power/device/powered` (I could create a service for that). You need to run this [script]( at least one time for it to set up the modem with the right settings. i am able to make calls with `calls` and `pinephone-wys`. I am using the sound profiles from [here]( and `alsa-ucm-conf`(not yet packaged) but the sound is bad. `purism-chatty` can't find `` and `` that are inside `/usr/lib/purple-2`. I created symlinks from `/usr/lib/purple-2/{,}` to `/usr/lib` Any suggestions on how to fix this?