Closed issue by bcookatpcsd on void-packages repository Description: void running in esxi w/ open-vm-tools `Linux Void69 5.10.23_1 #1 SMP 1615515203 x86_64 GNU/Linux [I] bcook@Void69 ~> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail 3420 ` ` cat /etc/sv/vmtoolsd/run #!/bin/sh set -e /sbin/modprobe vmw_vsock_vmci_transport exec vmtoolsd ` void running on bare metal machine (not running intended services yet) `[I] root@VoidClinton ~# uname -a Linux VoidClinton 5.10.23_1 #1 SMP 1615515203 x86_64 GNU/Linux [I] root@VoidClinton ~# cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail 7 ` another void physical machine running docker and three containers (dns processes) AND chrony `[I] bcook@Void63 ~> uname -a Linux Void63 5.10.23_1 #1 SMP 1615515203 x86_64 GNU/Linux [I] bcook@Void63 ~> cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail 2869 ` `[I] bcook@Void63 ~ [1]> chronyc sources MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== ^+ 1 10 377 823 -1211us[-1292us] +/- 12ms ^* 1 10 377 612 -996us[-1078us] +/- 9027us ^+ 1 10 377 768 -169us[ -251us] +/- 8996us ^+ 1 10 377 756 +151us[ +69us] +/- 12ms ^+ 3 10 377 256 -634us[ -634us] +/- 7338us ^+ 3 10 377 292 -218us[ -218us] +/- 7610us ` Where is the entropy coming from? should I run rng-tools or haveged.. What about irqbalance? github shows work still being done there.. via glances: ![image]( [I] bcook@Void63 ~> cat /proc/interrupts | grep LOC LOC: 7904516 7711579 10060743 7701411 Local timer interrupts [I] bcook@Void63 ~> uptime 10:30:21 up 18:27, 0 users, load average: 0.13, 0.15, 0.06 I thought LOC had to do with proper interrupt usage (affinity being correctly used) vs an actual "interrupted performance" counter.. ![image]( the local eno1 interface seems pinned to CPU2, hence why the LOC counters are higher for CPU2.. rng-tools,haveged,irqbalance.. are those still used in modern systems? Are those not in the kernel? Are they recommended in 2021? I also have TZ='America\New_York' set in /etc/profile.. Thanks in advance..