New comment by ar-jan on void-packages repository Comment: It looks like the desktop entry should be generated by Maven. I'm not familiar with how this works, but it looks like the configuration comes from [here]( On my system I found an entry `~/.local/share/applications/_usr_lib_dbeaver_.desktop` containing: ``` [Desktop Entry] Name=DBeaver Exec=/usr/lib/dbeaver/dbeaver %u NoDisplay=true Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/eclipse+command; ``` I don't know where the `NoDisplay=true` comes from. Any suggestions how to handle this? I also see in DBeaver's issue queue they've had problems with packaging the desktop entry multiple times. To patch this in the meantime, make the entry look like: ``` [Desktop Entry] Name=DBeaver Exec=/usr/lib/dbeaver/dbeaver %u Icon=/usr/lib/dbeaver/icon.xpm Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/eclipse+command; ``` and run `sudo update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/`.